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Showing posts from 2022

Hard Work

  After such a long time away. Bereavement, pandemic and life throwing another few awful curve balls left me wondering how on earth I would get through a day, no space or time for creativity. Over time I have come to understand it is my practice that propels me, now with space and time and a Distinction for my MA I am ready to embrace the creative world again. So much has been happening over the past few months in my studio, , you can follow all my work on the following link. I will be posting on my blog regularly. 

MA in Textile Practice. How can archives be used to enhance embroidery practice methodologies ?

                                                                                          Final Work  Stain of 71 Women. An archive is an accumulation of historical records , the archive that interested me contained no fabric or object's, only paper documentation spanning from one side of the world to another. I wondered if by investigating and researching specific embroidery stitches could they be used metaphorically. Could embroidery then be used to creative a story by piecing together fragments of data and would the stitch be enough to convey the meaning of the archives ? Or could the embroidery be used for much more complex expression's that hide within archives, one of time, complexity, identity, the stitching of rejected remnants of society?