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Showing posts from 2016

Busy in the Studio

Natural Dyes. Picking the odd flower from the garden and using it as a source to dye the fabric and paper I will be using in my project Fragments. I'm not sure how they will be used yet, I may well incorporate them into some of my printwork or play on the fact they are fragments, I think the best thing for now is to keep them all together and see how the colours play with each other.


Copper and Elderberries I was very lucky to receive from Alice Fox her wonderful Book Natural Processes in Textile Art: from Rust Dyeing to Found Objects , this book is not only very informative and beautifully written with some amazing photographs but gently guides you through the process of mark making using so many objects you would just walk by or not even think would be capable of dyeing paper or fabric.  

Small Steps

F ragments. A morning in my studio is rare during the school holidays. I felt like a child in a sweet shop, not really knowing what to do or where to start. I took some of the work I had been doing at the Ropewalk  and used this as a starting block.This is a very different concept to working for me as I normally do at least two sketchbooks full of art work etc before I even start to think about anything else. However as I am continuing with the Foundlings I could say alot of the ground work has already been done, this is more about developing my practice and incorporating new ideas.

New Studio

My Studio. Over the past months my husband with the help of a builder changed one of the out houses into a studio, this is the most amazing space, it is quiet, somewhere where I can reflect, leave work in progress out and hopefully do some work. I feel before long the dog and her basket will be living under my desk to keep me company. Its been a huge journey for all of us but I think the commitment from my husband to help me move forward deserves a medal. He knows how important this is to me and also knows it will heal me.

Starting Over

Fragments. After far too long away from my textile work, I return, life has been a battle and I have gone through many changes. Thoughts and my thought process during this time has been frightening and challenging. I was glad during my recovery to have forced myself to enrol at  The Ropewalk  in Barton Upon Humber. It was here I started the slow process of introducing myself back into the creative world. With the help of Tim Needham and a wonderful group of ladies and a few men who encouraged me so much I feel ready to start my new project.. Fragments.